Perry Bellegarde on recognizing this land’s founding Indigenous peoples


Q: What myth about Canada most irks you?
A: That Canada was founded by two nations: the English and the French. What about the Mi’kmaq, who opened their doors, who shared their food, their knowledge? What about the military alliances our people formed with European settlers? We are allies of the Crown.

Q: Do we need to begin recognizing in meaningful ways the Indigenous role in the creation of this country?
A: We do. We made huge contributions to this country. The biggest is in sharing the land and resources. People need to see that, understand that. Indigenous people should be viewed as the founding peoples of this land.

Read the whole story on the Macleans website.

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Canada had three founding peoples, not two


Read the full Story here on CBC

We all learned in school that Canada came about because a group of men met in tiny Charlottetown  IN 1867 and invented the British North America Act. 


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How to turn Canada 150 into a celebration for everyone: Bob Rae


Article copied from the Toronto Star

It should come as no surprise that when Canada gives itself a party to celebrate 150 years of “Canadian history,” many Indigenous people feel a sense of indignation. The question that now faces us as a country is “what can we do to show that we have learned from the past, and how do we go forward on a different basis?”

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Your letters about Recognition 2 Action are being read all across Canada

19149267_121701058331744_3382052487553112385_n.jpgAs Canada prepares to celebrate it's 150th birthday we are happy to report that Canadians are continuing to call on the Canadian government to put forward legislation clearly establishing Indigenous Peoples's status as Founding Nations of Canada.  One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to call on the Canadian government to turn Recognition to Action. 


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It’s time to recognize First Nations as founders of Canada: Steward


If Canadians want to reconcile, to begin a new relationship with Indigenous people, then recognizing them as founding peoples of what would eventually become Canada, is the ultimate expression of that desire for reconciliation.

Reblogged from the Toronto Star

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Canada 150 Senate Symposium – Aboriginal Peoples


On May 25, 2017, at the Senate Symposium on the 150th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation, Phil Fontaine (a former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations) and Ellen Gabriel (a former president of the Quebec Native Women’s Association) participate in a discussion entitled “Aboriginal Peoples: From Marginalization to a Nation-to-Nation Relationship.”

Watch the video here.

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Gestures, truth and action as reconciliation: A response to Premier Pallister's bike ride

brian-pallister-bike-ride-jerry-daniels.pngOn June 16, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister begins a 160-kilometre bike ride from the former site of Peguis First Nation in East Selkirk to the community's present site in the north Interlake, to mark the 200th anniversary of the Selkirk Treaty. As the premier begins what he calls a "journey of reconciliation," Lisa Forbes wrote this open letter to the Manitoba premier.

Read the open letter here.


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RESOLUTION: Recognizing Indigenous Peoples as Founding Nations of Canada


Manitoba NDP have put forth a resolution calling for the Manitoba government to put a push on Ottawa to recognize Indigenous people as founders of Canada.  

You can view the resolution HERE

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Call to recognize Canada's Indigenous founders


Amanda Lathlin, Manitoba NDP MLA for The Pas, is calling for the provincial government to put a push on Ottawa to recognize Indigenous people as the founders of Canada. 

“It’s time to recognize Indigenous people as founders of Canada,” Lathlin said in a release. “Recognizing the role of Indigenous nations and people in the founding of Canada is a step towards building a meaningful nation-to-nation relationship and an important step toward reconciliation.”

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Indigenous Leaders Issue Call to Action



Phil Fontaine, residential school survivor, is former chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

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