"If we are to give a true account of ourselves as a nation, we must speak the truth. In order to heal the many wounds that have been inflicted upon Canada's Indigenous peoples over the past four hundred years or so, let's start the next 150 years off with an honest rendition of our historical roots. From there, any new legislation will be predicated on a firm foundation of mutual respect, understanding and appreciation for what each of the three founding peoples bring to this table we call Canada. " - Elaine Ward
We are happy to report that Canadians are continuing to call on the Canadian government to put forward legislation clearly establishing Indigenous Peoples's status as Founding Nations of Canada. One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to call on the Canadian government to turn Recognition to Action.
Below is an excerpt from a letter sent by Elaine Ward from Halifax.
We Canadians have 54 days to acknowledge that Canada was founded by three peoples---the French, the English and the indigenous peoples north of the 49th parallel. On July 1st, we will only be able to celebrate Canada's 150th sesquicentennial in any true and meaningful way if we recognize the important role that Canada's First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities played long prior to Confederation and thereafter. Without doing so, we would be deemed hypocritical and illegitimate.
This land of ours OWNS US and not the other way around. That is why the indigenous peoples of Canada welcomed settlers from around the world and shared their traditional knowledge of the land and precious natural resources with them. How then could French and English-speaking political leaders ignore local indigenous leaders when "founding" Canada, which ironically is a name derived from the Iroquois, Mohawk and other indigenous languages meaning "village"? How arrogant, boorish and unethical not to acknowledge that the indigenous peoples of "Kanata" were the first stewards of the land and hosts to the newcomers?
If we are to give a true account of ourselves as a nation, we must speak the truth. In order to heal the many wounds that have been inflicted upon Canada's indigenous peoples over the past four hundred years or so, let's start the next 150 years off with an honest rendition of our historical roots. From there, any new legislation will be predicated on a firm foundation of mutual respect, understanding and appreciation for what each of the three founding peoples bring to this table we call Canada.
- Elaine Ward, Calgary
A big thank you to those of you that have taken time to send letters to editors all around Canada. If you haven't sent a letter yet, you can do so NOW by clicking on this link: http://www.recognition2action.ca/letter.
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