Your Letters to Editors: "First Nations were Founders of Canada ."


"The Canadian Government needs to recognize the contributions the native people have made and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 recommendations. Only then will Canadians be truly able to hold their heads up high and declare, "I am a Canadian."

 - Irene Vaughan

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Your Letters to Editors: "First Nations were Founders of Canada"


"It's as simple as telling the truth. It is undeniable that Canada, as we know it today, would not exist without the Indigenous Nations of this land. We should all consider it unthinkable that they have not been listed among the founders of our country."

 - Amy Van Bergen


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Beyond denial: Indigenous reconciliation requires recognition - JODY WILSON-RAYBOULD


This is very important. We'd like to say a big thank you. It’s usually hard to pinpoint how impact happens but we believe the use of this recognition language in this article by Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould has to be from the campaign. It’s not legislation (yet!) but it gives us a platform to further build towards that:

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Your Letters to Editors: "Will you help turn Recognition To Action? "


"I have come to understand that I have been privileged in Canada because I am white. I was on the side that made the rules. I didn't learn racism at home. On the contrary, my immigrant parents had a lot of respect for Native Canadians so I respected them too." - Judith Greenwood


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Your Letters to Editors: "150 years? A country cannot be built on a living lie."


"Now is the time for Government to support legislation recognizing Indigenous peoples' history and their role in founding Canada--and to celebrate their survival, their youth & arts & way of honouring the land, the animals, and each other. Now is the time to live up to our promises, to ensure clean water & the necessary health & educational services, and to put an end with concrete steps to systemic discrimination and harassment of Indigenous peoples." - Denise Giroux


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Your Letters to Editors: "Now is the Time."



"If we are to give a true account of ourselves as a nation, we must speak the truth. In order to heal the many wounds that have been inflicted upon Canada's Indigenous peoples over the past four hundred years or so, let's start the next 150 years off with an honest rendition of our historical roots. From there, any new legislation will be predicated on a firm foundation of mutual respect, understanding and appreciation for what each of the three founding peoples bring to this table we call Canada. " - Elaine Ward

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Your Letters to Editors: "Will you help turn Recognition To Action? "


"Now is the time to live up to our promises, to ensure clean water & the necessary health & educational services, and to put an end with concrete steps to systemic discrimination and harassment of Indigenous peoples--like we saw in the ridiculous display by the "Proud Boys" (military personnel!!) in Nova Scotia this past weekend or, even worse, racist killing of the kind occurring in Thunder Bay--innocent students whose bodies are turning up in the river or targeted murder by an 18 year old (throwing a car hitch!) at a woman merely walking on the street." - Denise Giroux

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Your Letters to Editors: "First Nations were Founders of Canada "


"Now that Canada is poised to begin healing some of these losses and building a culture rooted in these values which were considered "uncivilized" for so long, it is also time to recognize that these same things were here already. Our First Nations, through our own healing and through reconciliation and collaboration, can help Canada to become more equitable, safe, sustainable, and .... civilized!" - Rose H

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Your Letters to Editors: "Will you help turn Recognition To Action? "


We are happy to report that Canadians are continuing to call on the Canadian government to put forward legislation clearly establishing Indigenous Peoples's status as Founding Nations of Canada.  One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to call on the Canadian government to turn Recognition to Action.

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Your Letters to Editors: "Let’s focus on the people who live on the land, not the oil which runs under it."


We are happy to report that Canadians are continuing to call on the Canadian government to put forward legislation clearly establishing Indigenous Peoples's status as Founding Nations of Canada.  One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to call on the Canadian government to turn Recognition to Action.

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