Your Letters to Editors: "First Nations were Founders of Canada"


"It's as simple as telling the truth. It is undeniable that Canada, as we know it today, would not exist without the Indigenous Nations of this land. We should all consider it unthinkable that they have not been listed among the founders of our country."

 - Amy Van Bergen


We are happy to report that Canadians are continuing to call on the Canadian government to put forward legislation clearly establishing Indigenous Peoples's status as Founding Nations of Canada.  One of the most powerful actions Canadians are taking is using our Letter-to-the-Editor tool. This powerful tool allows Canadians to successfully publish dozens of letters in Canadian newspapers, an effective and innovative way to call on the Canadian government to turn Recognition to Action.

Below is a letter sent by Amy Van Bergen. 

It's as simple as telling the truth. It is undeniable that Canada, as we know it today, would not exist without the Indigenous Nations of this land. We should all consider it unthinkable that they have not been listed among the founders of our country.

Canada 150 is a time to reflect on our history, a history that has tried to cover up indigenous voices long enough. In 1996, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples observed, “A country cannot be built on a living lie.” We cannot continue to teach an incomplete, harmful, and unfair story.

Phil Fontaine explains why it’s essential to recognize Indigenous peoples’ history: ” [We have been] outside looking in, not really a part of Confederation, not really full citizens. We have no protection of our languages, no protection of our laws, no protection of our cultures.”

Until we acknowledge the contributions of our First Nations people we cannot truly claim to be working towards truth and reconciliation.

I trust that our political leaders will see the importance of official recognition without dispute. The next 150 years of Canada will be full of many more challenges. But it's nothing we can't handle if we work together in true peace and friendship.

 - Amy Van Bergen

A big thank you to those of you that have taken time to send letters to editors all around Canada. If you haven't sent a letter yet, you can do so NOW by clicking on this link:


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